The Metaverse platform is excellent for immersive and interactive game shows.

The 1st Question and Dating Casino represent proof positive that engaged audiences want to take part in the programming as it is happening before them. Virtual environments allow for people to log in and become part of the show. Sit back and relax becomes lean forward and engage.

Log in game shows for the win! PookyMedia productions such as The 1st Question and The Dating Casino are proof of this concept.

"In Second Life, join Pooky Amsterdam and Hydra Shaftoe as they ask the big questions around science, invention & achievement."
"Lovey Foxtrot brings a half hour of frothy fun with romantic situations for Second Lifers."

The stage was set for a fraction of the cost and so much was realized for real-time entertainment. The shows were Appointment Internet and broadcast live. Game shows are the oldest form of content dating from radio, and the longest running show on American TV was "The Price Is Right" (56 years). Give us three words and PookyMedia will come up with a game show for you to prototype virtually as well.


Copyright © 2008-2022, Pooky Amsterdam. All rights reserved. Second Life, SL, and inSL are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. PookyMedia is not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research.